Saturday, December 8, 2007


We were supposed to take my grandparents out to lunch for my grandpa's birthday right? Yeah, so we get up this morning to finish cleaning up before they get here and I walk into the kitchen, start unloading the dishwasher, and realize that my countertop is flooded with water and water is currently dripping out of my cupboards. Seriously? Did the dog not just have a huge vet bill that I haven't managed to pay yet? Do I really need this right now? The correct answer is NO. My roof is leaking. Great. Noah and his dad seem to think they can fix it. That's what they've been working on for the last...I don't know....4 hours? Right.


Lisa said...

Gahhh! Annoying!

Miriam said...

AHH! Housebuying, it's such a wonderful journey...with shit around every corner. I hope they're able to fix it.

each of the two said...

funny that your man's name is Noah and your roof is leaking.

irony not lost on me...

best of luck!

Stephanie said...

Sorry to hear - that really sucks! Good luck!