I picked this outfit for the Ave. Q show in Baltimore on Saturday. What do we think? (please ignore the no makeup pasty face...I think I'll flat iron my hair super straight and not sure on earrings or other jewelry yet but other than that...) (also note, the dress has cute little pockets down towards the bottom and is t-shirt material so will travel well)

This is option number two. The dress is strapless, also t-shirt material with pleats in the skirt and lace at the bottom. Again, ignore the no makeup pasty face and I don't know what I would do about jewelry yet.

Thank you for your help in this o so pressing matter :)
I like the first one. I actually thought it was a model until you asked us to excuse the no makeup. The first one is very cute!
I agree with Steph - the first one is adorable!
agreed. loving the first one. is that even the one from express? it looks different.
First one. Because in the picture of the second one you look unhappy.
I like the first one! Unless you are going for the innocent demure look, than go with number 2. Good luck!
Love the first one - very flattering and cute!
i think i might actually own that dress?
i love it cause its tights and cute green shoes and its trendy and yet not slutty, i love it!
and i wear dresses 95% of the time, so you can trust me...
I also vote number one.
I vote for the first one as well.
Definitely the first. Cute pose, by the way. ;)
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