Everyone is writing about their holidays so...I thought I'd share mine. Noah and I are dorks and already gave each other our christmas presents. I know I know...it's barely December. He got me tickets in Baltimore to see Avenue Q. I'm super psyched. So i'll get out half hour early Friday Dec. 21st and go home and pack. Saturday we'll get up at the butt crack of dawn and drive to Baltimore. Check into our hotel, go out for a fancy shmancy dinner, then go to the show. Stay overnight, hopefully get up in time to go to the art museum and the harbor and then drive back to Columbus. Here we will pick up our Christmas presents and the dog we're dogsitting for and drive to Greenville. Spend the night with my parents, get up, go to the VFW for the oyster supper with my Dad's Dad, drive to my mom's parent's house and spend Christmas Eve with her family, then drive back to Columbus in time to read The Night Before Christmas with Noah's parents, and then get up and spend Christmas day with them. It's a lot of driving and I wish I got to spend more time with my family. Usually I do, but b/c of the play we won't get there until almost Christmas Eve. I'll probably go back later and spend a couple days with them before school is back in session.
Also, update on the Christmas present status...I only have Noah's mom and my grandparents to go. Everyone else is checked off the list! Whoo hoo!!! And wrapped and under the tree might I add :)
And what did you get Noah?
And what a sweet puppy.
oh abooo. he's so beautiful! i hope he gets better!
now i see why you're home... i hope he feels better soon!
and your man sure knows how to pick out christmas presents :)
Your dog is precious. Everyone posting about their dogs is driving me crazy (in a good way) because I NEED one so bad!
You have almost all of your Christmas shopping done?! And wrapped?! I am thoroughly impressed.
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