Friday, December 7, 2007


Yay it's Friday!!!

Satchel is doing better. If he gets through the weekend, he should be Ok. He's feeling pretty perky, although he likes to play for our sympathy and pretend he's sicker than he is. Yesterday I'm panicking b/c the dog won't get up off the floor and his stitches were bleeding a little. I call my mother in law b/c she has a mini van which is MUCH easier to get a 60lb dog who isn't allowed to jump in and out of and she came over to help me get him to the vet. She comes to the door and he leaps up and runs to the door to greet her. Jerk. Anywho...he's doing much better and will hopefully make it through the weekend just fine!

This week kind of sucked. We should have had a snow day Wednesday b/c, seriously, it took me 45 minutes to get to work. It normally takes me 10 minutes. Yeah. That sucked. But I love the pretty pretty snow! We had more snow today and I was hoping for a snow day but we didn't get one. And honestly, the roads were not bad. The kids are really rowdy b/c they can't go outside so...they're being stinkers.

My grandparents are coming over tomorrow. We're going to take my Grandpa out to lunch for his birthday. I'm excited for them to see our decorations.

Um....that's it! I'm spending money on myself when I really shouldn't b/c it's Christmas. We figured out what to get my grandparents, now we just have to go get it. We still need to figure out Noah's mom. I can't wait to hang out with Michelle when she gets back from CA. BB needs to come visit. So...yeah...have a good weekend!


Miriam said...

What about me? Yesterday you wanted me to come and visit but no mention? I'm sad :(

I'm so glad Satchel's doing better. And dogs, like our future children will play that trick on us all the time. Then grandma will walk in. Oh the facts of life.

Did you find a flight? Didja, didja?


Michelle and the City said...

i'm baaack!
i'm probably going to be super busy today at work having been out friday, but email me and let me know what day this week is better for you. :)